Tired of Living with Back Pain?

Discover the safe, simple solution to chronic back pain and muscle tension. A pain free, comfortable back can be yours.


  • Low Back Pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaint globally
  • 1 in 3 people state that back pain impacts their everyday life
  • 80% of adults will experience back pain in their lifetime
  • Muscle tension, rigor, or stiffness, is one of the most common causes of muscle pain
  • When the body is stressed, muscles tense up. Muscle tension is a reflex reaction to stress

Back Pain Relief Online Workshop

Sunday, May 9th, 2021 • 3:00pm - 6:00pm GMT

~ San Francisco 7am • New York 10am • London 3pm • Stockholm 4pm ~

You can experience rapid reductions in back pain in 3 easy steps with the power of Pandiculation and Somatic Movements!

Is this Online Workshop right for YOU?

Do you wake up every morning with a stiff, sore, painful back?

Does your pain leave you feeling exhausted before you even get out of bed?

Have you tried everything to get relief from the constant aching muscles and feeling of stiffness?

Are you frustrated with the lack of progress you’ve made despite your best efforts?

Are you tired of pills, ointments, and gadgets that only offer temporary relief?

Does your back pain leave you feeling stressed and irritable?

Are you sick of living with constant pain?

Are you tired of your back pain affecting your moods, your motivation and your relationships?

Do you wish you could go back to an old hobby/activity or start a new one but feel you can’t because of your back pain?

Have you been told that your back pain is a normal part of ageing and something you just have to ‘learn to Iive with’?

Are you at the end of your tether and don’t know what to do about it?


Are You Ready to Learn to Live WITHOUT Back Pain?

What if you could wake up with a comfortable back every morning?

What if your back could feel supple and strong?

What if you didn’t have back pain every day?

What if you no longer needed to take painkillers, go for massages, or get adjustments?

What if your back could feel so comfortable that you could play that round of golf, or go for that run, or just play with your kids?

What if you could go for a long walk and actually enjoy it?

What if your back pain had nothing to do with ageing?

What if you understood clearly, how and why back muscles get tight and painful?

What if you knew how to reduce muscle tension, stiffness and pain in your back quickly and easily?

What if you could be in complete control of your back muscles?

What if you knew exactly what to do to look after your back and keep it comfortable?

What if your back pain could be a thing of the past?

What would you do if you could learn to live WITHOUT back pain?

If you suffer from back pain, I cannot recommend this workshop enough. I for one, will certainly seize the opportunity of attending this workshop again
Mark L.

Prepare to be amazed at how simple it is to ease back pain, reduce tension and feel better than you have in years with the power of pandiculation and Somatic Movements.

During the Back Pain Relief Online Workshop you will learn;

  • how stress, accidents, injuries can lead to chronic muscle tightness
  • how this chronic muscle tightness can lead to muscle pain and stiffness
  • how tight contracted muscles reduce your ability to move freely and comfortably
  • why stretching tight muscles doesn’t work
  • why engaging the brain is the key to resolving back pain caused by tight muscles
  • how to use the three step process of pandiculation to release chronic muscle tension instantly
  • a series of simple and effective Somatic Movements you can practice daily to keep your back feeling supple, free and comfortable as you age

You can expect to experience real change by working with your nervous system instead of against it. Somatic Movements feel good to practice and deliver results fast. It is possible to regain control of your body. No painful stretching required!

I’ve had no problems with my back since I learned Somatics and I no longer even need to use my walking stick!! Somatics really works!”
Peter S.

Workshop Outline

Welcome and Introduction

Guided Self Assessment
We begin with a self assesement of posture, awareness, comfort and tension both in standing and laying down.

Guided Somatic Movement Instruction 1
Learn a series of Somatic Movements to release and relax all your back muscles.

Self Reassessment
We will reassess for changes in tension, awareness, comfort, and posture.

Short Break

Somatic Theory
An explanation of the ‘hows and whys’ of Somatic Movements and the significance of the brain in chronic muscle pain.

Guided Somatic Movement Instruction 2
Learn more movements to further release tension in the body for deeper learning and greater comfort.

Participant Feedback and Q&A
An opportunity to give feedback, ask questions, share you experience, and get clarification on any aspect of the Workshop.

"Superb workshop with detailed focus on back pain relief. Incorporated an essential mix of practical movements and theory discussion backed up with workshop material to digest at leisure."
Ewan S.

Bonus Material

Somatic Movement Back Pain Relief Instructional Manual PDF
All the most important information from the workshop with lots of tips for your practice going forward in a handy PDF.

Audio Recording of Guided Somatic Movement Instruction
A digital recording of the Somatic Movement Instruction section of the Workshop so you can repeat them again anytime at your leisure.

Visual Summary of the most important Somatic Movements
A printable at a glance guide to help you with your Somatic Movement practice.

Got a question that hasn’t been answered above? Ask me here.

"The focus purely on back pain was really good, highlighting the key movements which are the most appropriate. The variations and different cues were excellent and I'm looking forward to using them!"
Rebecca H.

Hi, I’m Colm, I’ll be your facilitator for this workshop.

I know what it’s like to live with chronic back pain. I know the frustrations, the struggles and the setbacks. I suffered with back pain for over a decade until I discovered the power of Somatic Movements. I’m here to show you that your back pain doesn’t have to be permanent.

For almost a decade I’ve been teaching people, just like you, how to use a regular Somatic Movement practice to stay pain-free and moving well.

I practice the Somatic Movements you will learn on this workshop every day. I know first-hand how important they are to staying pain free, supple and mobile!

Pain free is possible when you Learn Somatics!

Colm McDonnell
Certified Clinical Somatic Educator & Somatic Movement Coach
Registered Member of ISMETA

Got questions about this Workshop? Ask me here

So go ahead and book your spot now, you have nothing to lose except your pain!