Hi! My name is Colm McDonnell. I am a Clinical Somatic Educator based in Dublin, Ireland. I teach people how to resolve chronic muscle pain, reduce tension, manage stress and move better through the practice of Somatic Movements.

Some clients want to resolve chronic muscle pain conditions. Others want to improve their movement so they can perform better in their sport or in the gym. Others still just want to be able to enjoy being in their bodies more.

I am going to use this blog to talk about Clinical Somatic Education as developed by Dr. Thomas Hanna, Ph.D. If Somatic Education is something you are interested in then perhaps you’ll visit now and again, read my posts, ask me questions and challenge me. After all, that is how we learn and improve. If you’ve never heard of Clinical Somatic Education than I really hope you’ll stay long enough to read a few posts and learn about it.

I may also touch on all sorts other areas that I’m interested in .ie; philosophy, exercise, health, fitness, nutrition, etc, but with half an eye on how all these things relate to, or are affected by, a personal Somatic Movement practice. So really I guess, its going to be all about movement, how to improve it, how to explore it and how it is so intrinsically linked to our happiness and our health.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in get in touch. I’d love to hear from you. You can follow me on all the usual social media using the links below.





And If you want to get in touch with me via my main website, here it is:


Thanks for reading and I hopefully I’ll see you again soon!

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